How texting can put your business in jeopardy

Let’s face it: We all love our cell phones. We use our phones every day for a variety of conveniences: messaging, email, shopping, calendars, etc. They are evolving miniature computers with which you can do almost anything with a touch of a button. Emerging technologies make our lives simpler. Lately, though, texting and messaging apps […]

What Cryptocurrencies Mean for Your Real Estate Transaction

Emerging technologies make our lives simple. But what wouldn’t make it simpler than to have virtual currency that could be safely sent and received anywhere in the world? Cryptocurrencies, and its blockchain technology, are becoming popular around the (real estate) world. With this new technology comes quicker transactions without the need for third parties. What […]

How Baby Boomers will affect the housing market in the coming generations

By the 2030s, about 20 percent of the United States population will be retirement-aged, according to American Land Title Association. By 2035, it’s estimated there will be over 78 million Baby Boomers–those born post-World War II between 1946 and 1964–as compared with only 76 million young people under the age of 18. For the first […]

Why Blockchain Technologies Won’t Replace Title Companies

New emerging technologies are exciting when it means transactions between parties and agencies can be quicker, safer and more protected. But what about blockchain technology, a distributed ledger, is all the rave? Blockchain is a kind of database that constantly updates records of information, in sync, and is visible to all who have access. Access […]